What schools and clinics can participate?
Any elementary school, clinic, or other organization in rural Kansas and neighboring states can participate.
How can my school participate?
You can participate in one of two ways:
Option 1:
Provide flyers to all 1st-5th grade students in your school – and you’re done!
Option 2 (this option is eligible for some compensation):
Help recruit eligible families (through flyers, newsletters, social media, school and community events, etc.)
Attend a monthly meeting with other school and clinic personnel from rural communities to discuss ways to improve healthy lifestyles in your community and discuss study activities – funds are available to help with these efforts
Complete questionnaires and participate in an interview
Assist with recruiting local health clinics, schools, and community members to participate in the research project
Receive training in an intervention designed to improve the health of families that you can continue after the grant-funded program ends
How can my clinic participate?
You can choose how you want to participate:
Post informational flyers in your waiting room or on your Facebook page.
Identify people in your community who would like to participate in the study.
Represent your clinic on our Rural Engagement Collaborative, which will continue to develop and support programs promoting healthy lifestyles for families in your community.
Are there incentives for schools to participate?
Depending on your involvement, you may receive individual compensation for participating.
Your town is eligible to receive funding to help implement healthy lifestyle initiatives in your community as seen appropriate by the Collaborative leaders.
You can connect with other individuals from schools and clinics in rural areas of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma who are also championing the program. You will have the opportunity to brainstorm ways to improve the health of your families and the community.
We are looking for rural clinics and elementary schools to partner with us!
What is iAmHealthy?
iAmHealthy is a school- and clinic-based program that helps families learn about healthy lifestyles!
The program teaches healthy lifestyle skills that can help adults with weight loss and kids achieve a healthy weight, so we are asking parents with a BMI over 25 who have a child in grades 1-5 whose BMI is above the 85th percentile to participate. We recruit about 30 families for each group and will have eight groups total for the study.
What is offered during the program?